Class Zinnia Variety Name Holi Scarlet F1 Genus Zinnia Species elegans Year 19 Common Name Zinnia Type Flowers from Seed Breeder Ameriseed Close Market Comparison Dreamland Scarlet F1, Magellan Scarlet F1The scientific name of Common Zinnia is the botanical name or formal name The main purpose of having a scientific name is to have a same name accepted and used worldwide Scientific name is the name conforming to the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (ICN) The common name of this plant in Spanish is Zinnia común Planting Zinnia Elegans You can plant common Zinnias together with other summerblooming annuals or among perennials It's best to place Zinnia Elegans flowers in areas that will get at least 6 hours of sun every day Space them 4 inches (10 cm) to 24 inches (60 cm apart), based on the variety
Common Zinnia White Common Zinnia Latin Name Zinnia Elegans Canstock
Zinnia elegans uses
Zinnia elegans uses-Alternaria zinniae (leaf spot of zinnia);"Zinnia elegans (Common zinnia, Youthandoldage), an annual flowering plant of the genus Zinnia, is the best known Zinnia The garden Zinnia is derived from hybridisation from the wild form Zinnias are popular garden plants with hundreds of cultivars, with many flower colors, sizes and forms, including giant forms in which the flowerhead may
Filed as Zinnia elegans Jacq var violacea (Cav) DC family COMPOSITAE Common name Elegant or garden zinnia, Flora of North America Vol 21 ; Scientific Name Zinnia elegans (syn Zinnia violaceae) Common Name Zinnia Hardiness Degree 32°F (00°C) Blooming Season Late Spring, Summer, Autumn Plant Habit Mounded Characteristics Attracts BeesWell you're in luck, because here they come There are 349 zinnia elegans for sale on Etsy, and they cost $273 on average The most common zinnia elegans material is foam The most popular color?
Notes 1) 'Nom cons' (= nomen conservandum, = conserved name) refers to a name selected by the procedure under its Code and meant to be used for all earlier synonyms and homonyms 2) 'Nom rej' (= nomen rejeciendum, = rejected name) refers to a name rejected in favor of a name conserved through procedures stipulated in the various Codes of NomenclatureThe first botanical records of this plant come from the notes of Spanish botanists Mocino and Sesse, who discovered the species growing in the wilds of southern Mexico in 17 The common name "zinnia" honors German botanist and professor Johann Gottfried Zinn, who was among the first to grow this species after it was discovered Zinnias signify thoughts of an absent friend in Common Name Zinnia Botanical Name _Zinnia elegans_ When to Plant Wait until after the last spring frost when minimum daytime temperatures are at least 60 degrees Fahrenheit USDA Zones 310 Sun Exposure Full sun Soil Type Loamy, welldrained soil
Zinnia elegans 'Benary's Giant Wine' is a favorite of flower arrangers and butterflies Zinnias bloom incessantly from June to frost if they are provided with fertile soil and some water in dry spells Newer varieties of these colorful annuals are more heat tolerant and mildew resistant For more information on growing Zinnias, click on GrowingZinnia is a common Mexican wildflower The early Spanish colonists in Mexico found the flowers ugly and called them mal de ojos (evil eyes) The genus was named after German botanist who first named it, Johann Gottfried Zinn of GottingenGrow Heirloom Zinnias Plant Super Cactus Giant Mix Zinnia Seeds Magnificent, huge variety of the giant cactus family of zinnias Stately mix of colorful, pointed, cactustype petals that texturize as the flowers mature Blooms are fully double and stretch out an amazing 56" across!
The Atlas of Florida Plants provides a source of information for the distribution of plants within the state and taxonomic information The website also provides access to a database and images of herbarium specimens found at the University of South Florida and other herbariaYouthandage preferred UKSI Young's helleborine UKSI Classification unranked Biota kingdom Plantae phylum Tracheophyta class Magnoliopsida order Asterales family Asteraceae genus Zinnia species Zinnia elegans View list of Zinnia angustifolia, better known as the Narrowleaf (and sometimes the Creeping zinnia (but also see Sanvitalia procumbens), is an annual from the family Asteraceae (Compositae) It is therefore related to the Daisy, Sunflower, and Aster plants Other common names for this easy to grow plant include the Narrowleaf Zinnia and Mexican Zinnia
Datasheet Type(s) Host Plant, Exclude from ISC Major host of Adoretus versutus (rose beetle);Botanical Name Common Name Life Cycle Color Height Bloom Season Zinnia elegans Zinnia California Giants Annual Mix 34" Summer/Fall Zinnia elegans Zinnia Dahlia Flowered Annual Mix 40" Summer/Fall Zinnia elegans Zinnia Cut & Come Again Mix Annual Mix 30" Summer/Fall Zinnia elegans Zinnia Lilliput Mix Annual Mix 24" Summer/Fall Everybody lovesClover phyllody phytoplasma (phyllody of clover);
Zinnia elegans is an upright and sturdy, daisylike annual that flowers profusely over a 2 month period in the summer It can be easily grown from seed (under glass in early spring) and will flower within 6 weeks of planting out They come in a many varieties including single3, semidouble and double flowered and make very good cut flowers Scientific Name Zinnia elegans Common Name Zinnia Hardiness Degree 32°F (00°C) Blooming Season Spring, Summer Plant Habit Mounded Characteristics Colorful/Attractive Foliage, Heat Tolerant, Low Maintenance The Atlas of Florida Plants provides a source of information for the distribution of plants within the state and taxonomic information The website also provides access to a database and images of herbarium specimens found at the University of South Florida and other herbaria
Facts About Zinnias The name of the genus derives from the German botanist Johann Gottfried Zinn's name; Zinnia elegans are a commonly grown garden annual These plants are usually just referred to as zinnias Zinnias carry colorful flowers and are native to Mexico, but are commonly found throughout the AmericasZinnia (zin' kneeah) Common name Zinnia Family Asteraceae, Aster Height x width 8"3' x 6"12" Growth rate fast Foliage opposite, rough hairy surfaces, ovate to elliptic, 1½4" wide and 12" across Flowers single or double, 1"6" wide, many colors ray flowers, disk flowers usually absent Hardiness annual Soil welldrained, tolerates dry Light sun
Common name Zinnia, Mexican zinnia Family Asteraceae Zone Annual Identifying characteristics Z Elegans, large still stems and lance shaped leaves with stiff rough hairs Daisy or mumlike flowers Z haageana, smaller plants with narrow stiff hairy leaves and single flowers Culture and use notes Use in mixed beds, annual beds, cut Zinnia elegans has lanceshaped, rough leaves, but other varieties can have broader, less scratchy leaves It has a wide variety of boldcolored, rounded flowers There are dwarf varieties and tall varieties that will grow up to 4feet tall Scientific Name Zinnia elegans (syn Zinnia violaceae) Common Name Zinnia Blooming Season Late Spring, Summer, Autumn Plant Habit Mounded Spacing 10 12" (25 30cm) Height 18 24" (46 61cm) Width 18 24" (46 61cm) Exposure Sun Grower Information Seed supplied as Coated Plug crop time 3 to 4 weeks Transplant to finish 6 to 7
Zinnia elegans the basic, heirloom, wildflower variety of Zinnias, also known as Common ZinniaThe New York Flora Atlas is a source of information for the distribution of plants within the state, as well as information on plant habitats, associated ecological communities, and taxonomy In addition, users can learn about the location of vouchered specimensAutographa gamma (silverY moth);
This Zinnia mixture grows to be about 3' tall and blooms a rainbow of colors Blooms last all summer long and produce enough flowers for bouquets all summer long So easy to grow, you can plant the seeds in the fall or early spring These beauties will last until the frost!Zinnia elegans Common Name(s) Common Zinnia;Common Zinnia (Zinnia Elegans) Common Zinnia (Zinnia elegans) is one of the most rewarding summer flowers with its brilliant colors and its profuse blooms over a lengthy season extending from early summer to frost
Myrothecium verrucaria (myrothecium blotch);The Wild Ones The most commonly hybridized species is Zinnia elegans, a common wild plant in Mexico But in recent years, work has been done on some of the other species Like the dahlia (also from Mexico) the Zinnia takes quickly and willingly to almost anything the hybridizers want to do Taller, shorter, or bigger flowers Multicolored flowersThe common garden zinnia (Zinnia elegans) is a member of the sunflower (Asteraceae) family of plants and a native of Mexico Evidently, the Spanish explorers who first encountered zinina were not terribly impressed and named it mal de ojos which, literally interpreted, means "sickness of
You guessed it pinkZinnia California Giant Common NameZinnia California Giant Latin NameZinnia Elegans TypeAnnual Height24"60" Sun LightFull is best for strongest growth Widthup to 24" Spacing14" Average Germination714 days ZonesAll, yes you can grow zinnia in all zones!Phonetic Spelling ZINeeah elehGANZ Description Zinnia is an erect, flowering annual in the Asteraceae (aster) family with Mexican origins It is a garden favorite with many cultivars available The zinnia is named in honor of Johann
Bloom size Up to a whopping 6" inches ColorsAs pictured, Reds, yellows, whites, oranges and all colors inbetweenFlora Entry for ZINNIA elegans Jacq family COMPOSITAE Herbarium Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (K) Collection Flora SomaliaZinnia elegans Jacq Common Name Elegant Zinnia;
Youth and Old Age Habitat Garden escape Associated Ecological Communities ** Growth Habit Herb Duration Annual Category Vascular USDA Symbol ** Plant Notes ** Taxonomic Notes The proposal to conserve Z elegans over Z violacea was accepted at the 11 BotanicalPhytophthora cryptogea (tomato foot rot);Scientific Name Zinnia elegans (syn Zinnia violaceae) Common Name Zinnia Hardiness Degree 32°F (00°C) Blooming Season Late Spring, Summer, Autumn Plant Habit Mounded Characteristics Attracts Bees
Flor de papel, rosa mistica, zinia (Spanish);There are two species of zinnia that occasionally obtain attention as ornamental plants, the Zinnia grandiflora and Zinnia tenuifolia The common Zinnia of gardens, Zinnia elegans, is also called youthandoldageZinnia elegans, known as common zinnia, is an old garden favorite with may cultivars available They are bushy, leafy annuals that typically grow 13' (less frequently to 4') tall on upright, hairy, branching stems
Zinnia elegans is an annual flowering plant native to Mexico The uncultivated form grows to a height of 75cm and has a solitary, daisytype flower head There are now many cultivated forms of Zinnia elegans, which are grown as bushy annual bedding plants in vivid shades of red, orange and deep pink Single varieties are attractive toThis Zinnia was labeled as Calthe de Bresil, which means the Brazilian marigold This was Zinnia elegans, the Zinnia that the world fell in love with This is the specie of Zinnia from which all presentday Zinnias have been developed Zinnia elegans produced larger and lusher flowers in colors ranging from crimson to pale lavender The firstDid you scroll all this way to get facts about zinnia elegans?
A summer flower found in almost every cottage garden is the zinnia (Zinnia Elegans) It is sometimes popular as a cut flower, as it produces numerous colorful blooms throughout the summer In this article, you will learn everything about the flower, its properties, requirements for location and care, as well as details on sowing and plantingZinnie (German) The Zinnia elegans Jacq (1792) is a much variableThe genus Zinnia contains about 17 species of annual, perennial and low shrubs native to the southwestern US, Mexico, Central America and South America Cultivars of several species are commonly grown for their colorful daisylike flowers over a long summer to fall bloom period Genus name honors Johann Gottfried Zinn (), professor
A beautiful soft creamyellow zinnia reintroduced in 1955 as seed once again became available, this heirloom zinnia is an elegant addition to borders of pastelhued flowers, or for the white garden Excellent cut, expect fully double to single blooms SKU # S1561 Latin Name Zinnia elegans Product Type Seed Packet The name of the species is the Latin adjective "elegans" = distinct, elegant, with obvious reference Common names common zinnia, youthandage, youthandoldage (English);The common zinnia of gardens ( Z elegans ), called also youthandoldage, is a rather coarse, easily cultivated annual, popular as a cut flower for its warm colors—ranging from white and yellow to red and purple—and for its bold, stiff aspect There are various forms in cultivation, including dwarfed, curled, and double varieties
Previously known as common zinnia, elegant zinnia;Zinnia elegans Jacq UKSI Common Name Source;Zinnia elegans Jacq Zinnia elegans Sessé & Moc Zinnia elegans L Common names Elegant or garden zinnia in language GartenZinnie in German GartenZinnie in German PrachtZinnie in German Zinnia in Italian Zinnie in German Zínia in Portuguese baegilhong in language caneladevelho in Portuguese common zinnia in English elegant zinnia in
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